Hi all, I finally managed to get into his PC. The leak which I used was closed now and cannot be abused anymore. To celebrate victory this we will eat “Vlaai” here. I will continue with the Atmel project to
ATMEL, phase 4
I’m back! At the moment I am happy and sad as well. The happy part is that I managed to program the Atmel chip. The downside is that I think I also blew up one chip. The Chip identification (which
ATMEL, phase 3
I did start with the KeyLogger using another project. This has a different memory chip which I could not buy here in the Netherlands at my favorite electronics shop. This means that a different binary file needs to be assembled.
ATMEL, phase 2
YES!, I managed to program the first 9 bytes of my AT89C2051. I did this with a C# progam. The program consists of a dialog with several buttons for each bit on the parallel port. By clicking serveral combinations of
GINA, phase 2
Finally I managed to make a Gina which is able to send the password using ftp to my own PC. It does the following: * When starting Gina, try to connect to the ftp server (which I run from my
AUTORUN, part 1
Some ideas are running through my mind. Why not make a US B stick with an autorun.inf on it. The only thing I need to do is to insert this stick at the moment that his desktop is unlocked. The
GINA, phase 1
I did not want to bet on one horse so I started another project too. When Hubert does not lock his PC I can install a program which can capture the password. I started to write my own GINA (Graphical
ATMEL, phase 1
Today I went to the electronics shop and bought some components. With these components I will try to make a KeyLogger based on an Atmel AT89C2051 and AT24C04. these component will be mounted inside the keyboard of Hubert. The only
WHY !?
Hi There. I am Marco and I am going to write something on my latest favorite project. A while ago I was working in the office with VNC to take over a PC in the factory. At that moment the