For my “autonomous driving” car (full automatic cruisecontrol) I am looking for a way to get a sense of the surroundings of the vehicle. I need to know which vehicle is driving in front of me. Ofcourse I could do that with a camera, but it is difficult to determine the distance to the next car. Mono vision is limited and I think it would be great to have a stereo vision system.

To begin with mono vision I started with my HTC sensation. Here is a teardown of the device. SensationTeardown1

From left to right: Touchpanel (with digitizer and controller), Camera, Led flash, Audio and Video PCB with connection for the speaker and the 2 camera’s, Processor PCB, Volume buttons, Backpanel.


Eventually I found out that the camera can be detached very easy. Here it is:

I want to make the cable to the camera longer so I can position the camera module on the front windshield. The camera is very small but still has a whopping 8 Megapixels. Enough to do some exiting things. The device seems to be from Compeq and has the type CHT37-0500. Also I found replacement versions for only 6 Euro.

Still some questions open on the camera:

  • Which connector is used to connect the camera to. It looks like a FCC connector but this one has 2 rows of pins with a total of 23 pins.
  • What interface does the camera use? Can I use it to connect to my BF609 PVP processor? It is hard to find specs.
  • Can I attach multiple cameras to the BF609?
  • Does the camera perform good under low lighting conditions and does it have a IR filter (If so, can I remove it)?
  • Can I put another lens on the camera? Would be nice to have close to 180 degrees field of view.
  • Next steps:

  • Find a suitable connector, I guess it is the Hirose FH26-23S-0.3SHW (link to Hirose FH26 Series on RS-Components).
  • Make the cable longer to make testing easier.
  • Connect the standard RPI camera module to the RPI and measure on the bus.
  • See if there are simularities with the RPI and the HTC camera
  • More to investigate here.

    2 thoughts on “HTC sensation teardown

    • 2016/03/30 at 06:53

      Did you manage to get this camera cable longer?

      • 2016/03/30 at 21:52

        No, I did not follow through. As a lot of other projects, they do not get finished because other projects get an even higher prio. My next goal in vision is to use a couple of Raspberry PI’s to do stereo vision.


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