Some time ago I went to the event HOLIDAY SPECIAL Build your own connected PONG CLOCK. Just for my own administration, here are the components used, and also the working steps to get it to work for me. Enjoy. All credits should go to Eindhoven Internet of Things.
Stuff had to be ordered at Tinytronics. 12 sets were sold, and there were 15 attendees.
Things needed:
1 x 32×16 RGB LED Matrix – 192x96mm Datacable and power cable are included.
1 x ESP32 WiFi en Bluetooth Board – CP2102
1 x DC Jack plastic 5.5mm – Female – Mount
1 x 5V 2A Adapter met DC jack
1 x 2×8 Pins header Female
2 x 15 Pins header Female
Other projects like this one on Hackaday also describe using the adapter PCB, but they use the 32×32 pixel display.
The firmware which was used in the workshop can be found here:
Pong ESP32